Friday, July 15, 2011

I need help on getting some evp's.?

I'm 16 by the way so I don't have a huge budget for paranormal stuff but I bought a pretty nice voice recorder from a pawn shop for 15 dollars and it works great but I tried some evp's at my house and I understand that my house might not hold any entities but I tried an old barn and a cemetary and can't get anything. I use audacity to clear it up but if you don't catch anything, you have nothing to clear up. Now I don't have my full license yet, just day license so these short investigations where in the day. I could do my homes evp's at night but haven't yet. My friend's house had his bathroom water turn on by itself while I was there and we might try some evp's there. Any tips on how to capture them? Any good ideas to use to get activity? I know about the flashlight experiment and I want to buy a laser thermometer.

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